Smooth pay reviews, spreadsheet free

People and Reward teams use Ravio to run fair and efficient pay reviews with real-time total reward data and beautiful compensation tools.
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Join the 1,000+ tech companies offering fair pay with Ravio

Offering fair pay shouldn’t be so complicated,
but People teams are let down by...

Manual benchmarking
Time is lost in excel with vast and complex taxonomies.
Patchy, old data
Data from public forums or old salary surveys isn't trusted.
Inflexible tooling
Tools are painful to use, especially during pay reviews.

Ravio offers a new way to run pay reviews, saving you time and building employee trust

“Ravio is the best tool I've ever used in this space.

It helps us access real-time compensation data for salary reviews, easily benchmark our company against the market, and identify pay variations that need attention.

The user interface is remarkably user-friendly and the platform streamlines the process of updating employee data.”
Joana G
∙People Lead
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Effortless pay reviews, every time

Stay ahead of the market with real-time total reward data

Benchmark your employees against Ravio’s real-time total reward data (base, variable, equity, and benefits), covering 25+ countries and 100+ roles.

Build your salary bands in minutes, not months

Build and refresh your salary bands in 30 seconds or less. Or if you have existing salary band structures, simply import them into Ravio.

Easily edit and improve your salary bands

Edit band structures, update your compensation philosophy, and automatically refresh your band ranges in line with your market target.

Benchmarking data that you can trust

“Ravio is so helpful. I love that it's always up-to-date and relevant to our industry.

This helps me and my team feel credible in making salary recommendations, and gives managers confidence in talking to their teams.”
Alys M
∙Head of People
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Pay reviews loved by People teams, employees and executives

Balance your budget and people objectives

Model different scenarios to understand how to meet your people objectives, whilst staying within budget.

Retain and reward your top performers

Assess employee performance against compensation, and see if top performers are being paid above or below your market target.

Empower teams with pay transparency

Help managers, finance, and TA teams know the “why” behind every compensation decision, by easily sharing Ravio’s real-time compensation data.

Ravio works by connecting securely to your HRIS

By connecting securely to your HR system, any new hire or pay change instantly flows into our real-time benchmarks. No more old school surveys, spreadsheets, and manual updates.
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We level your employees for you, for free

Once connected, our Benchmarking team will map your employees to our job levelling framework for free – saving you time and maximising the accuracy of our benchmarks. If you already have a levelling framework, we’ll map your framework to ours. You can then adjust your job levels whenever you like.
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How does Ravio source real-time data from the market?
Which HRIS systems do you integrate with?
Is connecting my HRIS secure?
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How much does Ravio cost?
What’s the ROI of Ravio? And when will I realise that?

Getting started with Ravio is easy

Book a demo and see how easy it is for global tech companies to ensure fair and competitive compensation.